We couldn?t be happier to announce that Brass has been Greenlit by the Community. It is especially exciting given that it only took us 20 days to get there! It wouldn?t have been possible without your support and belief that we have what it takes to bring Brass to PC. A big thanks to you all!!! Now we?re more eager than ever before to get the game to you!
As a thank you for your continuous support, we?d like to invite you to join the two-week Brass Open Beta tests starting September 25th. If you?re a fan of the original Brass board game, spent hundreds of hours playing it and consider yourself a real expert, then we need you! Click the following link to add your e-mail address to our database and we?ll be in touch once beta testing begins. And don?t forget to visit our blog regularly, as there?s more exciting news on the way!
Now, for those of you visiting our site for the first time, Brass is a digital adaptation of the highly acclaimed economic strategy board game set during the Industrial Revolution. Brass requires concentration, intellect and ruthlessness to make your fortune. Players take on various entrepreneurial roles, each charged with building an economic engine that will surpass the other opponents.
Intrigued? Great! We hope all the excitement will make you stay with us for a while.